Thursday, December 18, 2008

Progress! It's McBaby

It's been a while but life has been hectic. We have new pics to post and suddenly my belly has popped big time...well, it feels big to ME anyway!

We had our ultrasound and got to see the baby from the waist up (so we didn't see the family jewels to ruin the surprise).  Everything is perfectly on track and healthy! Hurray.

So, the newest development is that we have decided to call the baby, "McBaby" until he/she is born. We are sick of saying "he or she" or "Knox or Landon" so we've decided to go with the generic McBaby until we know one way or another. For uncle J-Ho, "Huckleberry McBaby" is the extended version. It's super fun and convenient actually. 

More to come!